There is another example from the modern world. Canadian Conductor and Motivational Speaker – Boris Brott who shared his startling prenatal reminiscence with Dr. Thomas Verny (a Toronto psychiatrist and author of The Secret Life of the Unborn Child).
As a young man, Boris Brott, conductor of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra in Ontario, says he was mystified by the unusual ability he had to automatically “play” certain pieces sight unseen.
“I’d be conducting a score for the first time, and suddenly the cello line would jump out at me: I’d know the flow of the piece even before I turned the page of the score. One day, I mentioned this to my mother, who is a professional cellist. I thought she would be intrigued because it was always the cello line that was so distinct in my mind. She was, but when she heard what the pieces were, the mystery quickly resolved itself. All of the scores I knew sight unseen were ones she had prepared for a program while she was pregnant with me, but never had occasion to play after that.”
In short, Boris Brott recognized and automatically played the music his mother, a viola player, had practiced while she was pregnant with him. Incredible!