In the story of Madālasā, we get example about the spiritual influence on unborn child. Madālasā, an ancient queen married to King Kuvalayāsva, was a yogini and a highly spiritually accomplished person. She had made her first three children saints by singing to them spiritual lullabies while rocking them to sleep.
They then left for the forest to practice further austerities. When the king, who needed an heir to the throne, mentioned his concern to his queen, she said that their child could be groomed to be the ruler of the kingdom, because it was within her power to do so. Lo and behold, they did have a fourth son who became a great ruler and continued his father’s rule of the kingdom as desired by him.
Madalasa proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that the mother can make or break the personality of the baby she is carrying. We also note that young children through the age of three are still highly impressionable. In other words, the mother can influence her child for a few years after its birth.