Lord Rama is another example from our scripture in which we learn about influence of rituals on the unborn child in mother’s womb. Sri Rama, the earliest evidence in our epics of how parents were able to influence their future children occurs in the Ramayana. Desirous of progeny,
Dasaratha performed the special sacrificial rite of putrakamesti on the recommendation of Sage Vasishta, at the completion of which the God of Fire appeared with a bowl of rice pudding and told the king to have his queens eat it.
This act of garbh sanskar resulted in the birth of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Satrughna—the four princes of extraordinary character, valor, and virtue- Rama being the noblest of them all. In addition to the devotion of the King, it was the collective aspiration and prayer of the residents of Ayodhya who were sumptuously rewarded that culminated in the glorious descent of Sri Rama. Selfless and charitable acts by anyone targeting the fetus influence its future, which may become manifest much later in its life.